• Printed pleasure: reading printed press

    Printed pleasure: reading printed press

    In today’s fast-paced and digitally-driven world, the act of reading printed press may seem like a relic of the past. Yet, there is a certain joy and satisfaction that comes from holding a physical newspaper or magazine in your hands. As an advocate for slow living in a digital age, I firmly believe that embracing… Continue reading

  • Reclaiming Time and Focus in a Slow January

    Reclaiming Time and Focus in a Slow January

    Imagine a world where you’re not constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media updates, where you can embrace quiet moments without reaching for your smartphone. Welcome to the world of a digital detox! A digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones… Continue reading

  • Slowing Down in the Digital Age: Embracing Balance for Mental Well-being

    Slowing Down in the Digital Age: Embracing Balance for Mental Well-being

    In today’s hyperconnected world, our lives are constantly inundated with digital stimuli. emails, social media notifications, news updates— we’re living at the mercy of ceaseless pings and dings. while the advent of the digital age has undoubtedly ushered in convenience and connectedness, it’s worth asking, ‘at what cost?’ this piece explores the impact of digital… Continue reading

  • A Comprehensive Introduction to Digital Wellbeing

    In the digital era, our lives are increasingly enmeshed with technology. From work communications to keeping in touch with friends, digital tools have become integral to our daily routines. As such, the concept of digital wellbeing – the impact of technology and digital services on people’s mental and physical health – is more important than… Continue reading

  • The Art of Embracing Long Reads: fighting information overload with long read newsletter.

    The Art of Embracing Long Reads: fighting information overload with long read newsletter.

    In a world that moves at a rapid pace, where bite-sized information and quick reads dominate our screens, there’s a timeless joy in diving into a long, immersive piece of writing. Long reads provide the opportunity to delve into a subject in a way that shorter formats may not allow. Whether it’s an investigative journalism… Continue reading

  • Recharge Your Mind: Embracing Digital Detox in January

    Recharge Your Mind: Embracing Digital Detox in January

    As we usher in the new year, January presents a unique opportunity for self-reflection and renewal. One powerful way to kickstart a fresh beginning is by embracing a digital detox—a deliberate break from the constant digital connectivity that has become an integral part of our daily lives. In this blog post, I will present the… Continue reading

  • Why having an academic blog is a step toward digital well-being.

    Growing up with the advent of social media, I embraced it as most of the people around me. But after a decade of usage, I started to feel unwell in the digital world. That is when I encountered the term ‘attention economy’ and when I have started to experiment with digital detoxes. And then came… Continue reading

  • The Importance of Cybersecurity Capacity-Building for Nations

    In today’s digital age, the security of digital devices, data, networks, and platforms has become a crucial concern for governments and organizations worldwide. The increasing reliance on information and communication technologies (ICTs) has led to a growing need for cybersecurity measures to protect against threats and attacks. As a result, many governments and international organizations… Continue reading

  • How to use Notion (and a template)

    How to use Notion (and a template)

    Notion is a powerful productivity tool that has gained significant popularity among individuals and teams across various industries. With its flexible interface and extensive range of features, Notion allows users to create personalized workspaces and streamline their tasks, notes, and projects. Whether you’re a freelancer, small business owner, student, or simply looking to keep your… Continue reading

  • NaNoWriMo is almost here

    National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an exciting annual event that challenges writers to complete a 50,000-word novel within the span of November. For many aspiring authors, NaNoWriMo is an opportunity to push their creative boundaries and accomplish a significant writing goal. However, for those engaged in academic writing, the prospect of participating in NaNoWriMo… Continue reading